Programming the Language setting for your phone

To enter a programming session, follow the next few simple steps:

1) Press FEATURE * * 2 6 6 3 4 4

2) Enter Password: 2 6 6 3 4 4

Display will read: " Terminals & Sets"

Using the navigation keys, as displayed below, follow the next simple steps:

3) Press: SHOW 

Display will read: "Show set: __"

4) Enter the Extension number of which you wish to add a line. Example: 21

Display will read: "21:21"

5) Press: SHOW

Display will read: "Line access"

6) Press: NEXT until it the display reads "user preferences"

7) Press: SHOW

Display will read: "Model: 7# # #"

8) Press: NEXT until it the display reads "language: English"

9) Press: CHANGE  until you you see the desired language setting.

Congratulations! You now have learned to program the Language setting on your phone!