DR5 / DR5.1 / R1T1 / 1.0 / 1.1

Compact 308 - - - Compact 616 - - - Modular 824 - - - MICS

Activate / Deactivate Automatic Set Relocation

To enter a programming session, follow the next few simple steps:

1) Press FEATURE * * 2 6 6 3 4 4

2) Enter Password: 2 6 6 3 4 4

Display will read: " Configuration"

Using the navigation keys, as displayed below, follow the next simple steps:

3) Press: SHOW

Display will read: "Trk/Line Data"

5) Press: SHOW

Display will read: " Sys speed dial"

6) Press: NEXT until the Display reads: " Miscellaneous"

7) Press: SHOW

8) Press: NEXT until the Display reads: "Set relocation: Y or N"

9) Press the CHANGE softkey until it displays Y for ON / N for OFF

Press the RLS key.

Congratulations! You have just activated or deactivated Automatic Set Relocation!!